Monday, April 9, 2012

Hello Monday-Weekly Results

First off.....  I have a case of the Mundays!  The weekend was too fast and short.  Here's hoping that this week moves quite a bit faster than last week.  On to the juicy part of my blog.  Here are the weeks results.   

Oh---it's a work in progress, but I'll just keep chipping away at this fat suit.  I used to be able to lose weight so much better before my thyroid crapped out on me.  Regardless, here they are:

Jan. 23, 2012
Waist: 51"
Calves: 18.5"
Neck: 14"
Thigh: 29"
Arms: 14.5"
Chest: 46" (Breastfeeding)
Hips: 50"
Weight: 234.6 lbs

April 2, 2012
Waist: 46"
Calves: 17"
Neck: 13"
Thigh: 25 1/2"
Arm: 13"
Chest: 43"
Hips: 49"
Weight: 214.6 lbs

April 9, 2012
Waist: 43"  -3"
Calves: 17"    
Neck: 12 3/4"  -1/4"
Thigh: 24"  -1 1/2" 
Arm: 12 1/2  - 1/2"
Chest: 42"  -1"
Hips: 26 1/2"  -2 1/2" (These hips don't lie!) 
Weight: 212.4 lbs 
TOTALS (1 week): 2.2lbs and -8 3/4"
TOTALS from beginning: 22.2 lbs and 26 1/4"

I have to say that I am pretty happy with my inches lost.  I am a little bummed about my weight, because I was down 3 lbs the day before.  I KNOW it's just muscle taking over and so at first this weight loss is going to be slow, BUT, I have goals and I'd like to be under 200 lbs by May 12th (I have a wedding, plus I am the photographer for it).  I just have to push it harder the next 4-5 weeks.

I guess that's something that I haven't yet revealed about myself.  I started taking professional photos on the side to earn extra money.  I'm just now starting to get paying customers, since I had to build my profile for a while.  May 12th is my first wedding, so I am super excited for it!!!  Check out some of my work:!/CreativeSmilesPhoto and "like" my page to follow.  Maybe I will get more followers from that than on my blog.  :)  I'm new to the blogging world, so I don't expect to get 1000's of followers right away anyways.  Though, I do get several views a day.  I guess I am interesting enough to read, but not to follow.  LOL

I hope everyone had a great Easter.  I have to admit, I probably had a little too much of Shawn's aunts CRACK potatoe casserole.  Yes, I say CRACK, because they are just as addicting as crack, so I had to come home and bust out some Turbo Fire-45 min class which I found to be the hardest of the Turbo Fire series so far.  The 45 minute class does more kicking, high knees, and squats.  I am what society calls a 'pear' shape, so I'm heavier in the hips and lower waist.  I had a hard time through the transitions, BUT it's a work in progress and eventually I will be a pro at all these workouts.

Here are some photos of my daughter and I from yesterday: 

We were bored, so we had a photo shoot....  Well, I was bored.  I don't really care for Shawn's family events.  As he would tell you, it's like visiting a retirement home since majority of the people attending are 65+ years of age. 
Anyways, I'm glad it's over and we don't have to attend any family events for a while.  His family literally likes to get together for every occasion and usually we're dragged to it since everyone wants to see the new baby (Brynn).  

Have a great work week y'all!



  1. You two are adorable :) She looks so much like you!

    Great job on the inches, you're rocking it!

    And mmmm that crack sounds DELICIOUS!!!

    1. Thanks Jenny, Can you tell that Brynn is like my favorite person in the world??? lol All of my pictures are of her and I.

  2. Great job!! You're doing so good, raising a beautiful daughter, and taking awesome pictures! I saw you wanted to do a 5K, do you have one in mind?

    1. Yo Meagan! My 2nd follower!!! YAY! lol I'm actually not running yet. I tried the couch to 5K back in January and couldn't walk after two days of trying it. Of course, I'm still really heavy and with having bad knees I am afraid I won't be able to do it for a while. Running is one of my major goals, but I think I am going to wait until I have some of this weight off until trying again. I am going to try it after completing the full program of Turbo Fire, BUT when I do, I am definitely going to call you up for runs and advice. :)

  3. You've got one more follower than I do! If you get bored I started a blog a couple of weeks ago at It's still a work in progress, I haven't had time to make it pretty yet! Good luck with everything, let me know when you want to go for a run/walk!

    1. Well, I will be your first follower!! I'm not quite sure how to get more than just posting on pinterest. I would post on FB, but I don't think I am ready for more of my HS friends knowing how much I weigh. lol I need to get over it though, because that's what the entire reason I started it was to show my progression through it all. I look forward to reading more of your post.
