Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hello Lovely's

It's been a couple days since I last posted and I hate that I have been away so long, but I found out on Wednesday morning that my boss of 2 1/2 years passed away from cardiac arrest.  It's been a very emotional and draining week for me.  I also had a really busy week and it's been a struggle to find time to work out.  I committed myself to working out 6 days a week, and I don't intend on breaking that promise.  So, I have worked out 6 nights this week.  It's just been a struggle to do so. 

I started on my Shakeology on Sunday and I have found that it really does curb my cravings and I don't feel like eating most of the day.  It's fantastic!  So, I'm excited to continue the Shakeology for as long as I am continuing to find my Skinny Gal. 

On Thursday evening, my husband was in another karaoke contest and placed first!  Last year alone he won somewhere around 8K in Karaoke earnings, and so far this year he's at $1500.  He really is a fabulous singer!  I will try to get some videos up soon.  They were taken on my cell phone, so the quality with the sound isn't the best, but you can at least get the point.  With all the contest that I have attended and I've seen him place, it still makes me proud every time.  He has had no vocal training and just started singing 3 years ago, which makes it all that much more enjoyable.

That's it for now.  Next week I will post a recipe for Sloppy Janes, which are absolutely fantastic, give y'all an update on my measurements/weight, and some new updated pictures from this week.  I am just out of control---BUSY--- this week, SO have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday-Tuesday. 



1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on getting in those workouts, girlfriend! For three weeks now I think I've gotten in 3 workouts...EEK! I've lost weight, but it's because I have to MAKE time to EAT these days! The thing that keeps me going are all of YOU in the group and knowing that SOON, I'll be back on track!!
