Friday, September 28, 2012

The Boob Tube

Ok, so I know I promised Shawn's version of our love story, but it's like getting a cat in heat to stop raising it's rear to get him to sit down and finish it with me.  I'll probably feature it next Tuesday for "Girl Talk Tuesdays". 

On blogs earlier this week, everyone featured their FAV waste of timers T.V. shows.  I wanted to share mine.  Keep in mind I live in another place of mind where fairies and unicorns live. 

Speaking of unicorns, has everyone seen Charlie the Unicorn???  If not, you have to watch this pointless-- waste of 3 mins.  The first week my hubs and I were together he showed me this stupid video and at first I thought it was SO stupid, but Charlie grew on me and now I quote all 5 videos every time unicorns are brought up.  AND...  CANDY MOUNTAIN!!! 

I will show my fav shows in order of my favorite ones to ones that are just.....  MEW.... 

The only show that I will stop everything for is.....  The Walking Dead.  Even if you do not like Zombies, it is such a great show that has a great build of characters and drama.

Shows I watch religiously:
  1. The Walking Dead
  2. Once Upon a Time-One of my newest luvies.  I enjoy watching all the fairy tales in a different version.
  3. True Blood-This one intrigues me at times, other times it's pretty stupid.  The last season was pretty decent.  I mainly like watching all the hotties on the show running around half naked....  Eric=panties dropper.
  4. HUNG-Who doesn't love a story about a guy that's hung like a horse??? 
  5. Game of Thrones-Awesome drama!
  6. Glee-Reminds me of karaoke in a sense.  It also has a good story to it.  I'd love to live in a world where I could just break into song-- out of no where.  lol
  8. Vampire Diaries- Ian Somerhalder  (GUSH), do I need to say more?  I still think he would be the best Christian Grey for fifty Shades.  BOY IS FINNNNNNEEEE!  Who doesn't love a bad boy?

Shows that I watch, but I don't HAVE to watch:

  1. The Voice
  2. Revolution-I just started this one and I'm wondering how much longer I will continue to do so....
  3. Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelor Pad-I enjoy watching these idiots make a complete mess of their dignity on this show.  There's obviously a reason they are all single and desperate!
  4. Up All Night-This show falls short for me.  I find myself on my laptop more than I actually pay attention to it.
  5. NFL football-Anyone else a Giants or Colts fan?
  6. Face off
  7. Lost Girl
  8. Being Human
  9. Girls-Slightly reminds me of Sex in the City at a younger age.
Shows I miss:
  1. Lost-Yep.  I am a lost junkie.  Again, Ian Somerhalder had me at "I'm Boone" during the first season and I couldn't stop watching. 
  2. Sex and the City-It's the ONLY complete series I have on DVD
  3. Heroes-I have no idea why they pulled this one...  Anyone know???
  4. Friends
Shows that I can't wait to watch this year:
  1. American Horror Story-- With the hubs holding my hand.  lol 
It's obvious I am a HUGE potato butt!  Actually, before DVR, I never watched T.V.,,, like AT ALL.  I DVR everything and usually catch up when I have absolutely nothing else to do with me precious time.  I guess I fit in with the nerds, because if you see the theme here, I am a huge Sci-fi junkie.     


  1. I love Once Upon a Time and Vampire Diaries! I also fully agree with you about True Blood.

    1. AH! I have a new best friend!!! What did you think of Once Upon a Time tonight? I am so excited about the new season and characters.

  2. I feel the same way about being able to break into song randomly!

    I am not at all a Sci-fi junkie but I AM a HUGE X-Files geek! Love that show!

    And I agree, Ian Somehalder would make the PERFECT Christian Gray! Yummy! I'd let him spank me. ;) Have a great weekend!
