Monday, September 24, 2012

My 10 Year Reunion

My 10 year reunion......  Was........  LAME SAUCE. 

It wasn't a horrible time, because I was with one of my gal pals that I have been friends with since high school.  She lives in Texas now, so I don't get to see her very often. 

The pretty girls from high school are still pretty, still snobby, still materialistic, still.....  Them

I thought people changed after high school???

I asked one of the popular guys what he was doing now after high school and he followed up with, "I'm a lawyer."   STICK FOOT IN MOUTH......  Note to self:  Do not ask anyone else what they are doing now.

We did have a good time taking silly photos.  I don't have all the photos, most of them are on Ashley's camera, so here's what I do have:

Heerow, my name is SGS.  I'm an aspiring MILF.

Here's the outfit.....  I had to give two different poses to really show it off.

The girls and I.

I wasn't one of the most popular girls in high school, I'd say I was on middle ground.  I played high school soccer, I made good grades (I think I was ranked 76/450ish GPA wise), and I really just kept to myself and always had a steady boyfriend. 
This was right after graduation my senior year.  I think I have came a long way and I finally feel grown up.


So, this was after quite a few drinks.  I discovered a NEW drink that EVERYONE has to try.  It's whipped cream vodka and sprites.  AH-MAZING!  Any other fab.u.lous drinks my sheltered self should try??

Skinny Gal.... Somewhere.

Tomorrow is going to be my first "themed" day.  How about some "Girl Talk Tuesday" in that house???  Bitches be lovin' it!


  1. Girl u be smokin' hotttt! I love that outfit! I am sorry the reunion was a bust...they usually are. But at least you made the best of it (and hopefully it was an open bar!!) Xo

  2. I'm glad you stuck with the comfy clothes... You looked so put together and cute!

    My 10 year is next fall.... and I am kind of dreading it.

  3. You looked HOT!!! Love the outfit!!

  4. Eh. The popular girls in high school were probably stupid anyway. Actually, I guess I would be considered "popular" in HS, but my school was a bit different. Everyone, for the most part, was very intermingled and although we all had our "groups" we all talked to everyone and was NICE. Well, myself and MY friends were.

    Later I found out there were a couple girls who felt "bullied" by me and my friends sometimes. ha! Imagine my surprise because I was So damn nice to those girls. Whatev!

    My reunion is in two weeks and I'm excited to see EVERYONE! :)

    BTW: you did look amazzzzinggg! You're wearing my school's colors ;)

  5. I loved that outfit - it was H.O.T. and classy. WTG on the clothes prep:)

    Yep I went to my 10 year *cough cough 4 years ago cough* (no shame in the age game) and it was lame too. I mean I laughed hysterically because you have to, to get through things like that - right? Everyone either didn't have hair or had too much to drink that night - sloppy, hairless night. So all in all I don't know if I would ever attend the 20th. Did I really just say 20th. AGH!
