Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mid Week Check-in

Holla!  I am doing great with the weight loss this WEEK so far... 

I am at a 4 lb loss so far with the new diet and the Shred.  I am SO sore from the Shred.  I usually don't get too excited the first week, because I know it's probably excess water from gorging myself on carbs for weeks and sodium from my lovely Dews.

My large badonkadonk has taken a good hit and is really sore.  I had to get my BC shot yesterday in the buttocks and now my left cheek REALLY hurts, but I told myself as I was getting it injected, "no babies, no babies, no babies....."  LOL  At least not until next year!!  Momma needs to get through a wedding and shed massive amounts of some weight.  :)

I am going to try to avoid measuring my inches until my 30 days of Shred is up.

Getting my hair did this evening and I think it's time to go a little darker.  I thought about this:

Maybe not that dark, but I love the two colors together.  What do you all think?  I'm WAY to indecisive, but I need some kind of change for the fall. 
Just two more days ladies until the weekend!!


  1. So awesome on the weight loss - that is wonderful news. I know that feeling like the first week you are sweating out bread and sugar. HA!!! BUT that first week always gets me so excited and motivated because you can lose so much. Love the hair. I like the contrasts especially for the fall season. Happy "hair did" day:)

    1. Um, yes, yes, and yes! lol Is it just me or do you get excited about getting your hair done? I'm a nut about it, but I get bored with my hair very easily and I sometimes just need a dramatic change. Plus, it's too blonde for fall.

  2. Gooooood for you! I'd love love love to see that hair on you, I like the lighter up front and a tad darker in the back :) Sexy!

  3. Congratulations girl! 4lbs is awesomesauce! I would looooooooooooooove to have a 4lb loss for a week but until I start the 30DS with hubby I have to be happy with my 1lb every other week. Being sick and out of the gym for almost an entire week doesn't help but thankfully I didn't gain anything because my taste buds were jacked up and I had no appetite! Yay for being sick LOL

    I LOVE that hair!!!! If I totally steal it will you get mad? I am supposed to get my hair done next month and I haven't found anything that I adore yet but THIS might be it!!!!! Pretttttty please with a cherry on top? I'll love you forever (in a total non-lesbo but let's color HK and braid each others hair kind of way) and be your BFF!!!!!! It's HOTTTTTT and I can't wait to see pictures of you!!!!! Yay!

  4. Four pounds, Stephanie?! Woot! Keep it up, lady!! I can't wait to see the results in 20'something days!

  5. Way to go! And I hope you post pics of the new 'do! I am a cosmetologist and I always love the 2 contrasting colors (as long as they aren't completely on the opposite side of the scale!). Keep up the great work on the shred!
