Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An Average Day for Skinny Gal.... Somewhere.

An average day for me..... 

Holy cow balls, it can be insane. This is in response to Holly's link up, though I am still confused as to how the process works.  If you don't know Holly, then check her blog out-here.

I honestly don't know how mother's with multiple children are able to cope without drinking excessively.  And I mean drinking EXCESSIVELY!

So here is my average day when I work 12-9pm (which sucks ass by the way with having small children).

My daughter sleeps with me, please spare me all the ugly comments with how bad this is.  Since I have started this 12-9pm shift 3 days a week, our schedule has been thrown way off. 

  1. We now wake up at 9am.
  2. Eat breakfast together.  Usually fruit, waffles, oatmeal, Cheerios, etc.
  3. I let my food digest a little while catching up on some of my favorite shows (Bachelor, Bachelor Pad, Face Off, Walking Dead, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, American Horror Story, etc.)  BY THE WAY....  Any other Bachelor Pad fans out there??  What did you think about Douehebag Nick taking all the money and leaving Rachel with absolutely nothing??  I thought his reason and intentions were right, but I felt he was being WAY too smug about it.       
  4. After about 30 mins of watching TV, I switch gears and get my workout clothes on and stretch.
  5. I usually do at home workouts or here recently I have started running.
  6. I then  have to rush to get ready.  It usually takes me about an hour to shower, make the hair look amazing, and put my face on.  Oh yea, I also put my clothes on, no one would want to see the mess I have going on underneath the wardrobe.....  lol
  7. I work 12-9pm and usually take my lunch at home, so that I can spend time with my Brynnie.  My work consist of cold calling (60 calls a day) and interviewing prospective students to go to our school.  I have done this now for about 4+ years.  I can't say it's my dream job, but it is a paycheck and it pays all our household bills, groceries and a little extra spending money without my husband's paycheck.  So, it pays pretty well.  Which is why we call it The Golden Handcuff......  My coworkers and I joke around about never being able to go elsewhere and work since no one wants to pay us the kind of money we are currently making.
  1. I sometimes run to the store after work to pick up the essentials.
  2. I come home completely worn out and I usually have to feed Brynn since the hubs isn't very reliable in that department.  He thinks she doesn't like him when really she is just starving.  I swear....  Our generation of men. 
  3. Gorge myself into a coma.
  4. Then I find a couple chores to do like dishes, hand washing baby bottles, laundry, etc.
  5. If I don't take up the entire time doing chores I will follow up with 13-14.  :)
  6. I usually snuggle Brynnie some more.
  7. If I don't have edits to do on photos, I spend the rest of the time watching more T.V. and playing with Brynn until she is ready to fall asleep.  This is usually anywhere from 11pm-12pm.  Any earlier and we have a wrestling match until she falls asleep, which is usually 11-12pm anyways. 
Now weekends are a totally different story....  I rarely even sit down on the weekends, because I am wearing my superwoman cape and trying to get all the chores done around the house.


  1. Stephanie, you're funny! :)

    The link up isn't until Tuesday. To get the HTML in your blog, just copy and paste the HTML that is in the box under my button. Just paste that right into your blog and it will work.

    After you do that, come over to my blog and there will be little links at the bottom of my post. Click on the little link and enter your name and blog address.

    Other people that link up will be able to see your information and visit your blog! :)

    If you need help with it on Tuesday morning, just shoot me an email-- I'd love to help.

    And no judgment on the co-sleeping... We're still working on that too. :)

  2. Thanks for linking up with Holly and I. I enjoyed reading about your day. :-)

    1. Thanks for doing this!!! I've had more profile views today that any. :) I love it!

    2. Thats great!! I'm so glad everyone is going and checking out each others posts.

  3. Hi Stephanie! I love your post! No judging on the co-sleeping from me, I feel that as a mom we have to do whatever works. I love the nickname for your job and my hubs might need to steal it bc that is how he feels somedays about his job! You are beautiful btw and I can't wait to read more of your blog! Hope you will check mine out too! You have a new follower! :)

    1. That is awesome! I love new followers. I'd like to think that someday I will have several followers, but as of right now I am just starting this blog ordeal. I will definitely check out your blog!!!

  4. Thanks for linking up! I hope you met a few new girls. And I love the term the Golden Handcuff... So true!!

  5. Hey, I just found your blog by way of Holly's link up- you are a funny girl! I'm your newest follower. :)
