Wednesday, September 19, 2012

High School Reunion????

On Saturday, I am going to crash my High School reunion.  I say "crash", because I didn't buy tickets to go to it, but I am going to still show up at the bar.  They wanted us to pay $20 to go to our small town bar...  That would have been $40 for the hubs and I....  Yea...  Not going to happen. 

I am going with my hubs, one of my besties from high school and one of my EX's!!!!  This happens to be the ex-boyfriend that was my longest relationship.  I dated him for 5 years (through high school and majority of the time through college up until my senior year), he's also the dude that plays the guitar and likes to sit at home majority of the time.

I can't say that there aren't feelings there.  I think there is always some kind of feeling when you see an old ex.  I'm not interested in him, but I have memories.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  I have to say, he is the only guy that never cheated on me other than my hubbers and we had some pretty good times through out the years, but we also had some ugly times as well.   

Regardless, I am needing the help from my ladies to see what I should wear...

I am about 50lbs heavier than I was in High School which makes me super nervous!! 

Here are a couple of outfits I am thinking about:

So, there are the dresses I have picked out, now I could do black pants, red stilettos and this red silky shirt from NYC found-HERE.  You have to select the red color to really see how pretty it is.  :)

What do you think????


  1. My vote is dress #2. But really, you need to wear something that makes you feel good, otherwise you'll be miserable all night! Have fun!

  2. I love the second dress! Go in there confident and your head high... and keep your $40! :)

  3. Yep I agree with everyone - number 2 and you know what shoes I would wear? those red stilletos you talked about. RED=CONFIDENCE. Love red, black, and white. Like Holly said - get your but up to that bar - kick up your red stilletos, keep your chin up, and let them ALL eat their heart out:) MWAH!

  4. Totally dress #2!!!!! You look amaze balls! Ditto with Mel and Holly - put on those red stilettos and kick some reunion ass! Love it!

  5. #2!!! and have a blast!

  6. Hey there! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!!! Go to my blog at for the deets!!! :)
