Friday, June 22, 2012

I officially hate my body! End of Story.

As a life long dieter, I have came across many frustrating times where I want to just scream at my scale and/or maybe possibly throw it against the wall.  Really though, the scale isn't the issue, it's this freaking fat suit that I have been blessed with.  Even though I absolutely love all kinds of food, I slightly blame genetics for not giving me that body type that doesn't have to worry about their weight. 

You know those girls, who-for whatever reason are just naturally thin??? 

Yeah, I hate you..... 

I have struggled my entire life with my weight.  I can eat healthy and do all the right things and STILL, I struggle with the bulge.  IT. IS. EXHAUSTING!

It's gotten even more exhausting since I have had my thyroid removed AND had my first child.  I use to drop weight so quickly and now, it's at a pace of a snail.  Even more frustrating!

So Thursday I weigh in at 200.2 lbs.  This IS the thinnest I have been in 6 years.  I thought, FRIDAY will be the day I finally kick 200 lbs, and NEVER look back.  I wake up this morning after staying within the limits of my weight watchers points and working out for 45 mins to TF 45 FIRE class, and I weigh in at 201 lbs.  WTF?

Are you freaking kidding me?  How?  Just how?

I divorced my body this morning.  We are no longer friends!  Stupid piece.....  I know I am being silly, but, seriously??

We all hit that wall where we are completely disappointed on the weight loss front.  Today is that day for me.  I work hard, I mean the Turbo Fire workouts are NOT easy.  So then, I have expectations.  High expectations.

It absolutely better happen by Monday,,,,,  OR ELSE!! 

  • My father and mother said that I looked thinner last night even though I can't seem to beat 200 lbs.
  • A coworker told me that I ABSOLUTELY don't look like I weigh 200 lbs. or anywhere near it.  It made my day! 
Obsess much?  Yes!  I have goals to beat damn it!  It will happen soon, I can feel it. 

Here is some additional motivation for myself and others for the weekend:

I am at a loss for words with this gals rear.  Wow.  Maybe after Brazilian Butt Lift I will have that!!

I am thinking about adding this to my routine next week: 



  1. This is exactly why I stopped weighing myself so much, it just gets SO FRUSTRATING! We have similar bodiesI think, I blame my Mom :) I lose weight so slowly and I hate all my friends who eat whatever, never sweat, and lose weight. B's! haa ha! Keep it up though, I NEVER EVER thought I would get to where I am, but I just kept doing what I could and it happened!

  2. How long did it take you to lose all your weight Megan? I was hoping by the end of the year to be at least a size 10. I would love to be in single digits by 2013. That's why I have stressed so much about being stuck around 200 for weeks.
