Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I am NOT a morning person

Here's a fun-bitchy confession for ya:

I am THAT person at work that I'd rather not talk to someone until I have had at least 1-2 cups of coffee. 

Once I have some caffeine in my system, I am OK to talk to whomever. 

First off, if you talk to me in the mornings I may not remember what you have told me, because all I am thinking about is my morning coffee and NOT your conversation.

I'm not grouchy or mean about it.  I have a VERY friendly demeanor regardless of how sleepy I am.  I'm also very personable and easy to talk to.  Sometimes it just seems like certain people I work with just watch for me to come in every day so they can have something to do to consume their time at work.

You know those people.  The ones that want to talk to you regardless of how busy you are, if you are eating, or trying to use the restroom, etc, etc.  They walk by your cubicle to SEARCH for something to talk to you about, and/or just tell you random crap about their personal life that you would rather not hear about.

Then there are the other individuals that will jump over a hurdle and break their leg to say "Hello" to you in the morning, AND they always have to follow up with, "How are you?" 


Ok..........  I'm ok with small talk, just NOT first thing in the morning!!   It's always been my opinion that a person that asks, "How are you?" either doesn't REALLY care to hear your reply and they think they are just being friendly OR they are nosey and want to get some good gossip on ya.

I always just follow up with "Good" and continue to make my coffee without opening up additional questions or comments. 

There are two ladies at work that will get on your ever lasting nerve and will talk your ear off regardless of what you are doing.

I got stuck by one this morning while I was making coffee.  She wanted to talk to me about my photography business and went on about how good I was and that I should start charging more, blah, blah, blah.

Can we get the STFU truck up in here to run her cotton ball head over????

Cotton balls are what I call older ladies that cut their hair short, curl it, and poof it out as big as it will go....

I HATE driving behind a cotton ball!  It's THE WORST!  You can always see their big ol' head of hair and know they are driving slow, because they are old.   

Ok, so back on subject here.  There's really no rhyme or reason to this post.  I just NEED/WANT coffee before anyone says anything to me in the mornings.  I look forward to drinking a cup of coffee every morning and so when someone stalls me from doing so, I get a little fiesty about it! 

What is your confession???  OHHHHH, I also confess that I love Justin Bieber's new song "Boyfriend".  Bring on the Bieber Fever-baby!   

:)  Confessions are kind of fun...  I might start doing them once a week or month.



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