Friday, August 24, 2012


Thank goodness it's Friday!!

First off, I have to brag about my wonderful hubbers.  :)  He won another karaoke contest last night.  His winnings were $1000 in cash.  I wish that I could take that money and buy something really nice, but unfortunately we have bills to pay. 

Shawn and I have our ups and downs, just like every NORMAL relationship.  Without the "downs", you can not appreciate the "ups".  We never really fight, but we do bicker at times.  Relationships/people that say they never fight, argue, bicker are a LIE!  Kind of like the cake...  It's a lie too.

P.S. I want this shirt:

Anyways, it's times like last night that really make me proud to be his wife.  I'm thinking we need to move past the small town ordeal and head out to XFactor or The Voice.  He IS that good!  I have several videos that I need to post of him, I have just been very overwhelmed at home and I haven't had time to upload them to a computer.  I will post those soon.  Hopefully.

So, we went out to celebrate his winnings last night after the contest and it was a LATE nighter for this momma.  I need massive amounts of coffee today.....  As you can see, I took a picture of cup # 3.  Can I just get an IV of caffeine?   

So, my weight loss must be showing, because I not only got hit on by guys last night, but I was hit on by a very pretty girl who was with her boyfriend.  Kind of awkward for me.  I'm not really into girls, I prefer my sexy man meat.  LOL 

I don't even like my own business down there, so why would I want to look at another girls??? 

Plus, I am HEAVILY attracted to my hubby and I don't think anyone could sway me differently regardless of how much money they have, looks, gender, etc. 


I decided to eat Chinese yesterday, because I REALLY wanted to eat something bad for me.  I felt like I kind of deserved it, because I have done so well this year and this is only the second time I've had Chinese this year.  So, this is my plate: 

I didn't eat it all of course.  The springs rolls weren't that great, so I only had a bite of that and I didn't end up eating the orange sushi role thing, because I couldn't figure out what was in it. 

So, I often see this message: 

To hell with that message.  I am human and I do like to treat myself from time to time.  I don't go overboard, but I think you sometimes just NEED to feel like you are human and eat like a starved pig  NORMAL person instead of dieting all the time.  It's exhausting. 

I did get a very cool fortune in my cookie that I didn't eat.  I just like to read the fortune.  It was a reminder that I need to desperately workout as soon as I feel 100% again:

Have a great weekend!  XOXO


  1. I want that shirt! And if I didn't reward myself with food I would just reward myself with beer:)

    1. Ugh, me too!!! I hope you are loving that new niece! We'll have to have a game night soon.

  2. That's so awesome he won! You totally need to get on that video!

  3. Would love to see a video of your hubby doing his THANG! Congrats to you for treating yourself. I said the same thing in a post on Mama Laughlin's facebook. To eat a healthy diet means to every once in a while, treat yourself with ALL types of food. Fries aren't "BAD" in moderation. Every once in a while, indulge. I don't want to ALWAYS eat carrot sticks. I want to live life and have fun!! And God gave us tastebuds for a reason :)
