Sunday, August 12, 2012

C25K Week 3

Week 3 consists of a 5 min warm up, 2 intervals of running for 90 seconds and walking for 90 seconds, 2 intervals of running for 3 mins and walking for 3 mins, and a 5 minute cool down. 

The first day I did week 3, I had a hard time completing the end of the workout.  I did try it on the treadmill, which I flippin' hate running on and I did it first thing in the morning, so I hadn't ate anything.  I think not having the full energy that I needed stopped me from completing it. 

So, I then tried it on Friday and was able to complete it without stopping.  The weather was absolutely fabulous and it was such a great feeling.  I loved every minute of it!!

I took yesterday off since I was busy to the extreme with cleaning house, taking photos, and then we went out for the evening for a friend's Birthday.

By the way, check out this ball of cuteness!!!  These are some of the photos I took of Cellan yesterday for his first Birthday photos. 

That child has eyes to die for, he has these beautiful eyelashes.  He's pretty much adorable!  If you want to keep up with my photography business, you can add me on facebook- Creative Smiles Photography.

So, I lost 5.4lbs for the week!  I'm totally stoked about it.  I know, I'm random.  :)  I just wanted to throw that in, because I am proud of my week.  I had two bad days where I went over on my calories, but only like 200 extra, so I still stayed under 1500 calories for those days.

Tonight I ran with a my new (used) jogging stroller.  When I first had Brynn, my father had told me that a buddy that he worked with wanted to give me his jogging stroller if I would use it.  At the time, I wasn't looking to work out and I just wanted to spend time with my newborn.  Well, now that I am running and Brynn enjoys strolling, I asked my dad if the gentleman still had the stroller.  He still had it and asked only $20 for it.  This is what I got for ONLY $20!!  I am super geeked.

It's a 2008 model, but it's in great shape.  So, I did the last day of week 3 tonight, and I think I could have finished it if I didn't have the stroller.  I had to stop the last minute of running, my legs just would not push.  I felt like I was running in slow motion.  I was also tired from staying out until 2:30am on Saturday night.  I would have been dragging regardless, and I knew this before I started.

So that's my weekend in a nutshell.  I hope everyone else had a good one as well!

Skinny Gal.....  Somewhere. 


  1. Good job, lady!

    Like you, I have to eat a little something, otherwise, I don't have the energy to do the whole thing. I bet pushy that big stroller burned major calories, even though you didn't finish!

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks girl! I felt like I was dying toward the end, but if I can keep working on it, it will certainly pay off when I finally enter some races. :)

  2. What a GORGEOUS family!! Hope you don't mind, but I am following you. Went through your blog and you are so inspiring! I am just a week into weight watchers and fighting to lose the pounds. In total, I have about 60 lbs I am looking to shed, but I am doing small goals right now. I am 214 and looking to get under 200 and back into the 1's. Anyways, I am just starting C25K as well, so I will be documenting that as well. Good luck to you!

    1. I love new followers!!! Invite all your friends. :) Everyone starts somewhere when they decide to lose weight. I started at 235lbs in Feb and I am just now at 197lbs. Getting under 200 was the BEST feeling ever!! You just have to keep pushing every day, it is definitely NOT easy running at the weight I am at now. Just remember that with every step you make while doing the C25K, you are making progress and you might not be great at it now, but in time you'll be running a 5K!! And how cool would that be??? This is the first time I have ran in 7 years, so I can't wait to be able to run a full 5K without stops. Good luck with your journey Jennifer. Are you blogging it?
