Monday, August 27, 2012


Boo is something we call my daughter most of the time.  It's usually Brynnie-Boo, Boo-boo, Boo, Brynners.  LOL  At least it's not "Pooter"...  That was was my nickname growing up.  My maiden name is "Potter" and for whatever reason, my older brother said that because I was the youngest in the family that I needed the degrading nickname.  Awesome, right? 

Anyways, I had a great weekend with Boo.  We are both still sick.  Her nose is still stuffed and I still feel like I have been hit by a mac truck.  I am now coughing on top of feeling all the congestion.  I'd really like to work out one of these days... 

Here are some good ones from yesterday.  She is just so stinkin' cute!!  It was hard for me to get some steady shots since she doesn't sit still anymore. 

Blurry, but so cute!

I love baby attack moments.  She's started coming up to me and giving me big ol' bear hugs...  I honestly don't think it could get any better than this! 

I had to show this one, only because she looks so much like her older half-sister in it. 

I had to show how long her hair is getting.  She has hair about 2" past her shoulders and we have already gave her a hair cut once.  Ignore the floor around the house.  That is an example of having an 11 month old and a 7 year old over the weekend.  I was too exhausted to do anything about it once Samantha went back to her mother's house last night. 

Knock, Knock....  She has a fascination with the garage door lately. 

She was following me around the kitchen this morning.  She's pretty much Mommy's little shadow. 

I'm putting a hold on the weight loss front.  I went to my doctor 2 months ago, because my thyroid meds felt off.  I can often tell when it is too high or too low. 

They told me my meds were too high, so they backed my dosage down. 

I went for my follow up a couple of weeks ago and the next dosage down was too low.  For whatever reason, my doctor has decided to leave it at the low dosage.  Meaning that I am in a Hypothyroid status until October.  When you are at a Hypo status, you are tired and your metabolism runs slower.  So, my choice is to struggle and try to lose weight being as strict as possible for the next couple months and maybe lose 5-10 lbs., or I can just try to maintain for a while and try to get back into it after October.  What would you choose? 

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