Monday, August 6, 2012

Burn Out

I can tell that I definitely hit burn out mode on the weight loss front.  I've been going at it for about 6 months now and I'm finally just getting tired of being so strict with what I eat and having to work out. 

My trend has been, for about 2 months now, to work hard for a bout a week, maybe two, and then careless the following week.  My results have just stopped.  I'll lose weight the strict weeks and gain it back during the one bad week. 

It really gets to the point where you just hate your body.  You start to question, your why.  Why I decided to lose weight from the beginning, why I work so hard, and why I need to do this.  My "why" started with my daughter.  She is the reason for me wanting to be thinner and feel better about myself.  Of course, I do enjoy all the comments about how far I have came and how much better I look too. 

I'm finally just to the point where I feel comfortable in my own skin.  I know I still have a long way to go, but I don't feel like there is a rush anymore. 

I think I finally hit burn out from both the hard core work outs and the healthy eating.  Lately, I haven't had time to workout.  Work has been a complete mad house, Brynn is constantly on the go now that she is walking, and my photography business has picked up.  I did photos last week and I have appts the next two weeks as well.  Editing photos takes up SO much time.  It's no wonder it cost $300+ from the professionals. 

I've actually decided to drop out as a Beachbody coach.  I haven't had the time to dedicate to it AND the time I do dedicate to it seems to be wasted.  In the beginning, I would take 30 mins to an hour with people, just talking to them about the programs.  The answer always seemed to be, "I am definitely going to do it next pay day".  Then, next pay day comes and they still haven't bought anything OR they end up buying it from ebay, amazon, or have it burnt off the Internet.  It's frustrating!  I would take my time that I should have been working out or spending time with Brynnie with these people and yet, they would never follow through with me.  It got to the point where I realized that I couldn't keep buying new Beachbody programs just to stay active as a coach.  We live paycheck to paycheck unfortunately, and that extra money is always needed for my kiddos.  For instance, Brynn needs a convertible seat now and that's where my extra money is going next pay day.

I think their programs are ALL fabulous and I swear by them, but people these days want a miracle diet and/or pill.  No one wants to work out.  Heck, if it wasn't for my kiddos, I would be working out all the time.  I miss having the freedom to go to the gym for hours at a time. 

Regardless, I think I just need to go back to simple for a while.  Diet comes first (Weight Watchers), and try to work out at least 3 times a week and more if time allows it!!

Keeping it simple for a while.  Let's see how that goes.  :)

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