Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Runner's "High"

I'm finally FEELING BETTER!  Holla! 

I thought this cold would be the end of me.  Life as I knew it.  I went for 8 days feeling horrible and just when I thought I needed to schedule an appointment with my Doctor, spend a ton of money that I don't want to spend, and get on antibiotics that I don't really want in my system...  I start to see the light!! 

Dramatic?  Slightly, but it's felt like an eternity since I came down with it.  My body has been hurting for a work out.  Seriously! 

On that note, I decided that I am going to be a dedicated dieter once again starting on Monday.  I am starting to second guess my decision with the C25K though.  I've never been a runner and it's never been something I have actually enjoyed, but I read about all my fellow bloggers who have had success with it.  All of them talk so highly with how good it feels and the runners "high".

I started to think about my own health/fitness with programs I have already done and enjoyed.  I enjoy kickboxing and dance, I enjoy going to the gym and working out on various cardio equipment, and I love weightlifting.  I actually get the "high" just from working out.  I know that when I did the TurboFire program I would get the "high" from completing the 60 min cardio class, which is equivalent to running 6-7 miles.

So, why do I need to run???  This was a question that I kept asking myself and the only conclusion I could come to was because it's a popular thing to do at the moment.  Five years ago you never heard anyone talking about 5K's, and now, it's the "it" fitness thing to do.

I am going to return my focus on at home workout programs.  I have 3 Jillian Michael's DVDs that need to be dusted off and used, and the full Zumba program.  With Jillian, I have the 30 Day Shred, which is what I am going to start with on Monday.  I also have 6 pack in 6 weeks and No More Trouble Zones

I've done one day of the Shred.  It's ideal for me, because it's an intense workout that lasts only 20 mins.  Who can't fit 20 mins into their daily routine???  I'm hoping with the craziness I have going on right now at home and work, I can fit those in EVERYDAY and document my progress. 

I can't let the thyroid situation keep me from my ultimate goal.  I HAVE to be a size 8 by my brother's wedding next year. 

Which, by the way is very bad timing for me.  My plan was to start trying for another kiddo next summer, so that I wouldn't be pregnant through the summer again.  Carrying 48 extra lbs in 100 degree weather is NOT something I want to do again!!  So, if it all works out well, I should be a couple months pregnant and NOT showing for his wedding in October.  It's kind of lame that I won't be able to drink and get crazy with his friends that we grew up with though.  O-well, I have to keep to my time frame on things and not move my schedule around his plans. 

If I could afford two babies in diapers, I would totally start trying now.  I want my kiddos to be within a couple years together so they can enjoy one another and play together too.  My step daughter is 7 years old and she plays with Brynn from time to time, but she gets too rough with her.  The older she gets the less she will want to be around her younger siblings anyways. 

Tomorrow I plan to have a make up tutorial uploaded for you all.  It's my first time with it and I am really awkward, but hopefully you will enjoy it.  :)      

Here are the first looks with the blue ombre eyeshadow look:


  1. You look beautiful! So glad you are feeling better. I am actually doing a 5K run in October. Its actually a MUD RUN. I figured it would be different and a lot of fun. You know, just something different. I am really excited about it. i was going to do the C25K because I've heard such amazing things about it, but then I just decided to do my own thing and run as much as I can. I just need to start getting use to working out again period. Anyways, glad you are feeling so much better. You WILL be in that size 8 by next year!! YOU GO GIRL!

  2. Well stick to it!!! I wish I enjoyed running. I love the way I feel once I am done, but the entire time I run I dread every minute of it. If I can get the same feeling doing something I enjoy already, then why not? Thank you so much for the support Jennifer!
