Friday, August 10, 2012

MyFITNESSPal. Motivational Friday. Randomness.

I never realized how difficult it was to actually stay within a value until I started my myfitnesspal account.  I not only have 2 numbers to obsess about (calories and my weight), but now I have carbies, protein, and fat grams to play with too. 

So, this is my goal per day:

1200 Calories, 165g of Carbs, 40g of Fat,
and 45g of Protein.

It's been near impossible to stay within the limits of my protein!!  Every day I go over on Protein and I don't eat that much meat!!  I do eat Greek Yogurt just about every day, so I know that it has quite of bit of protein in it. 

Anyways, what's fun about the program is that, yes, I have a hard time staying in the values, BUT, it gives me something to strive for.  Even going over on numbers, I typically always stay within my calories.  It all works itself out.  It's a fun little challenge and I'm intrigued with the nutrition data it gives me. 

So far this week, I have lost 4 lbs.  :)  Not too bad....  Not too bad at all!!  I've worked out twice and I hope to work out this evening and Saturday as well.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, I have a TON to do this weekend, so I hope to get my workouts in. 

So, I think I have officially been sparked again on the weight loss front.  I am back to drinking water like it's going out of style, even when I'm placed in a social-alcoholic atmosphere.  Call me lame, but I am happier losing weight than I am drinking. 

Besides, drinking typically only leads to bad decisions for me.  I'm a happy drunk and I typically become even more social, flirty, and start hanging on people that I shouldn't be hanging on.  I also think I can dance, when I can't....  I have white girl moves that you've never seen!!!!!!  Actually, I have big hips, and they don't lie or move that much for what it's worth.  I'm a horrible dancer...  It's something I would like to work on when I become much thinner than I am now.

This is totally me when it comes to going out with friends.  It's something I am trying to look passed.  Here lately if I am not having fun, I just go home and my hubs and I have started driving separately:

This happens when I hang out with certain people, I often hear all about my shenanigans the next day from the huz:

Not that I get so wasted that I can't remember, but I have squirrel syndrome and I often forget the things I do even when I am sober.  It's pretty much ridiculous!  When I add any type or volume of alcohol to the mix it gets worse and my attention span is pretty much nonexistent.

SOOOOOOOOO.........   Motivation for the weekend, bitches! 

SO true! 

I don't know if I will EVER have a midsection like this, but a gal can wish and dream, right??



  1. Good for you! 4 pds is amazing!!

  2. Congrats on the 4 pounds! I always go over my protien, too. I wouldn't worry about it, since it's good protien. I think it just keeps me fuller longer. I am so happy that I found your blog. With two kids around the same age, I know how hard it is to make a plan and stick with it. Good luck on your journey! :)

    1. Definitely! I love reading blogs about fitness and running. Of course I am just starting out and half way there. I have a long way to go still.
