Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Tuesday

I did week 3 day 3 again on the dreadmill today.  I finished it and was absolutely soaked afterwards!  I had sweat dripping everywhere and I was loving every minute of it.  I wanted to keep going, even though I was on the dreadmill, but I had to jump off and get ready for work. 

I'm thinking about trying week 4 next run, even though it terrifies me.  I have a hard time running the full 3 minute runs, and I know the 5 minute ones are going to be ridiculous!  I just keep telling myself that with every step I make with the C25K, I am one step closer to my goal.  I just have to keep pushing myself, so that one day I will be able to call myself a runner!!

So, besides my amazing run this morning, I thought I would share a few pictures from the past couple of days.  Here's is some photo fun:

  This is my gorgeous breakfast from this morning.  Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries with Strawberry Greek Yogurt.  YUMMO!

This is me with the Birthday girl (Rocksan) over the weekend.  Geez, I need some sun!  That's my new top I got from Jcpenny's for $12.  It was SO cute on.

And lastly, Brynners is walking now.  I'm exhausted with it, but this is her in her new tennis shoes.  More on her tomorrow when I post about her at 11 months old.  :) 



  1. That breakfast looks delicious... I think I'm the last person to jump on the Greek yogurt bandwagon.

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. I was not a fan at first, but I tried just the plain kind. I thought, "No way will I ever try this again." Then, I decided to try a flavor. I like the Chobanni and the Oikos brand with fruit at the bottom. I think my favorite yogurt breakfast is Chobanni Pineapple and cuts of banana mixed in. It is SO good. You will have to give it a go. :)

  2. GOOD FOR YOU! I am super stoked today because I had my first weigh in and lost 7.4 lbs on week one! Of course you always lose alot your first week but I am proud of myself nonetheless! I started running and almost died yesterday doing a mile. I have a long way to go and I have a 5k to run in October. You inspired me to do the C25K. Looks like it really works!

    1. THAT IS AMAZING GIRL! I need another week like that! :) Keep at it and I promise you will be there before you know it. It's an honor to inspire anyone on here. I started the blog just to document my progress and to give me something to do at work. I can't wait to hear more about your results.
