Monday, February 6, 2012

A Little About Myself

                I’ve started entertaining myself at work by reading blogs.  It’s something that can keep the time moving and I don’t have to look at the clock every 5 mins.  With my job, I literally spend about 10 hours a week doing actual work while the other 30 hours a week are spent finding unproductive things to do on the internet.  What do I do you ask?  I work as a sale’s recruiter for a proprietary college, in which we have too many representatives and very little inquiries.  I’ve been very lucky to keep my job through the recession.  With my previous “career paths”, I’ve been in positions where I’ve been so busy that I can’t hardly keep up through the days.  I decided to take my current “career path” because it is 4 miles from my house and my previous position was about 40 miles from my house. 
I’m seriously at a loss for words with how boring it gets around here at times.  I facebook, check my email, get some laughs from failblog, pin on pinterest, check my bank account, etc.  It’s so bad that I run out of “fun” things to do on the internet.  My husband tells me that I have the “dream job”, because he spends all his time at home playing internet games which I have no interest in playing.   He tells me that he would love to spend all day “playing”, but this isn’t my character.  I’m a worker; I like to stay busy so that I don’t have to spend time watching the clock until the end of my shift.  I’m so unproductive at work that I want to be lazy when I get home.  Why do I stay since I am so unhappy?  It’s mostly due to the fact that I get a decent size paycheck.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not rich by any means, but with this economy, no one will pay me what I am making currently (trust me, I’ve been looking).  It’s the only reason why all of my co-workers stay here too.   We usually have nothing to do on a daily basis, get bullied by our company, and sit in a chair for 8 hours a day.  Who would want this???   
So, in the end I’ve decided to start a blog to keep me a little bit busier throughout the day than I usually am.  Hi, my name is Stephanie.  I just became a mother this past year to my beautiful daughter Brynn.  She is currently 4 ½ months old now.  I also have a step daughter from my husband’s previous marriage, her name is Samantha.  We’re that typical family of four with an inside pet-dog.  So, the details of my blog will mainly focus on finding my “skinny gal”, but occasionally I will throw in fun stuff about my family and friends. Here are a few pictures of my family:

                                          My daughter, Brynnie-Boo

                                           My husband and I before I had Brynn.

                                                 My daughter and I, she was 1 mth old here.    

                                                   Family photo 

                                                  My stepdaughter, Samantha and Brynn.

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