Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Imma Sucka Fo....

Today I thought it would be fun to expose all my weaknesses......

Imma Sucka Fo.....

  • Take 5....  There's a joke apparently going around work about how when I hear our director wrestling the bag of candy in his office, I am like fido looking for my Take 5 fix.  Har, Har assholes....  I like that chocolate deliciousness, what can I say??
  • My daughter's big blue eyes.....  Ugh, they kill me all the time....  Actually it's just her....  I love that child!

  • Men who have any cool talent related to music.....  I dated one  douche bag  dude who played guitar for 2 years that cheated on me.  I also dated another guitar player for 5 years who seemed promising back in the day, but ultimately I ditched him for the party life.  He was lame and just wanted to sit at home and either play guitar or Call of Duty.  NOT MY CUP OF TEA.  I'm now married to my hubs who can sing the telephone book and swoon all the ladies.  He's mine bitches, back off!!!!   
  • On that note I am also a sucka for my hubs voice.....   SWOON...  And no, we're not together just because I love his voice.  He is talented in other ways as well..... Wink-a-dee-wink....     
  • Coffee.....  I have a 1 year old.....  Need I say more????  Coffee = Love. 
  • The Walking Dead.....  It's the ONLY televised show I will drop everything for just to watch.  HELLO ZOMBIES!  By the way, do you have your survival plan ready for the end of the world?  If you want to read what a nut case I am for zombies, you can check out a fun read about them here- Rule #1, Cardio   

  • When I'm ready to get my "oinky on", Imma sucka fo Mexican food......  When I am dieting, I am extremely cranky, because I eliminate this from my diet as well as Chinese food. 
  • Hello Kitty......  While in college, I worked at a tiny bopper store (Gadzooks who was owned by Forever 21), we would get these adorable Hello Kitty lady tees in and a new love was born.  The manager and I would fight over who would get the large in each shirt, since they would only send ONE large t-shirt.  I am obsessed with Hello Kitty now. 
  • Alice and Wonderland......  For some reason I love the story.  Don't ask me why.  If you want to buy me a collectible, it better be something in Alice and Wonderland OR Hello Kitty.
  • Target.....  Damn you Target for carrying everything I love.  If I want to spend hours of my time or several dollars in my pocket, I go to Target.  I have NEVER left to this day without going through the check out there.  
  •  Diet Mt. Dew.....  Just do the Dew.....  I Do....  lol  
  •  Dresses......  There's something about the air free flowing between my legs that.....  Wait-Wait a min, did I just say that out loud?  Hey, I never claimed to be modest.  :)
  • Cowboy boots.......  I was so happy to see that they are back in style this fall, because you better believe they are on my feet today!!!  
  • Make up......  Yeah, I spend way too much money at Sephora.  It runs along the same lines with Target.  This is my newest crush I have: 

  • Pumpkin ANYTHING.  I love pumpkin breads, spreads, cakes, sundaes, pies, cheesecakes, cookies, etc, etc, etc....   Fun Fact for ya, my huz calls me pumpkin tits.....  lol  I have no idea why???  Ok, maybe it's because I used to have a Size DD brawl.  Since I have lost weight I am down to a C, but he still calls me that and it doesn't bother me at all.
  • Lastly, I am a sucker for Lauren Alaina's "Like My Mother Does" song.  I was pregnant and about to pop when she came out with it and it gets me every time.  I am hoping that Brynn feels the same way about it someday.  :) 
Happy Hump Day to the new followers!

Skinny Gal...... Somewhere.


  1. Seriously...I think we are long lost sisters. I so totally shopped at Gadzooks! I still love Forever21 but half the time their sh*t never fits me....but I just can't quit them. Target is my 2nd home, mexican food is something I could eat everyday...and of course you know about HK. The list goes on and on...

    You lady, are my blogger lobster!

  2. You crack me up. I love this post. Mexican Food lover here too:) I have to agree with you ahd MrsD - love Forever 21 - can barely fit my a** in anything there, but I always feel the need "try" - then I eventually wander over to the Macy's junior section where I do the same thing - still don't fit in anything, and finally end up in the Macy's womans section where I "really belong". Have a great day.

    1. Ditto! They closed the Gadzooks we were working at and just opened a HUGE forever 21. I have bought 2 dresses from there, but they are somewhat short. I really shouldn't even try to squeeze into them. lol

  3. I swear Forever 21's clothes are smaller than they were back then...
    Cooincidentally, I wore a dress today to work and had the exact same "free flowing air" thought:)
    I am also a sucka fo bud light limes and buffalo wings.

    1. Yeah, I love my Coors lite.... We have more of a relationship than an obsession going on. :) Shouldn't it be BWW's and not just buffalo wings?

  4. omg, I totally remember Gadooks! Wow. I loooooove your dress and you know us Texas girls love our boots :)

  5. You have a new, faithful follower here! Love your blog!
