Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Girl Talk Tuesday

How I met my Hubs...  And how he fell....  Sort of. (Part 1) 

My first ever themed day, I'd like to discuss the topic of how we all met our significant others.

Shawn and I's story is actually quite amusing considering WHERE we met. 

So, once upon a time.....

The hubs and I met at a GAY bar.  I'm shitting you not!  You really can find love surrounded by rainbows and fairies. 

I was at a point in my life where I had given up on love.
Newly divorced. 
On a sexual rampage. 
With absolutely no care in the world for my actions.

I enjoyed my time out with my gay boys and I spent the weekends watching the drags of the Ville diva it up on the stage.  I wasn't welcomed there, most of the lesbos called me, "that straight white girl" and so I just sat in the corner with my friend Kenton and drank myself into a stupor.

A guy (let's call him Bob for story telling purposes) that I had no intentions on ever dating decided to show up at the bar and try to molest me.  I was wearing a black dress and he thought it would be fun to try to put his hands up it.  I started freaking out, so I told one of the girl's that worked there (the bartender), who happened to be straight as well, what Bob was doing.  She had invited her friend out too (my future husband). 

So, she tells me to sit down and entertain Shawn while she gave the inappropriate gentleman, Bob, a "talkin' to".  She talks to Bob for a good 15 minutes, which allows me to jabber the huz's ears off.  I'm a chatty Kathy, I can't help it..... 

I was able to add him as a friend on Facebook, so we could at least be "friends", since I felt like he was into bartender.

Finally, I go back to Bob and he is ready to go home.  I walk him out to his car and he precedes to pull me into his truck to talk, then he decides to show me his one eyed pirate.  ARRRR....  He kept trying to get me to look at it, which I would not.

 I guess seeing the size would want to make me jump on it or something???  I am glad it's worked for you in the past dude, but it's not welcomed with me.  Schmuck. 

I'm finally able to get out of the car and he follows me down the rode and yelling for me to get back in his truck.  It was like something you have seen in the movies.

What. A. Weirdo.  It was the last time I talked to him. 

I came back into the bar, scared to death from what I just witnessed, and Shawn was now downstairs and singing karaoke.  I ran up to him and bartender and told them what had happened with Bob.  Freak. 

Shawn sang one song that I can remember, and it was Michael Bubble's "Feelin' Good".  
Was I attracted to my husband before I heard him sing?????  Yes. 
Does the singng add to his overall appearance???  Absolutely!  It's a panties dropper.

I make it home that night and pass out with my puggle- Lilly-Lou. 

The next day I was supposed to meet up with an old friend of mine who was trying to hook me up with his brother.  I had caught Shawn on Facebook the next morning and asked him how his night went with bartender.  He said it went well and that she was a "cool chick".  He said he was going somewhere that evening for karaoke that I had never heard of before.  Right as I was about to give him my cellphone number, my computer crashed with a virus and I could not get back on Facebook.

So, I went out with my old friend who I realized was very lame and his brother was super lame.  I really wanted to know where to find Shawn's karaoke bar.  So, I asked my lame friend if I could use his phone, since I had a basic phone without Internet.  I logged into my FB account and sent him my number.

He texts me shortly after.  I was thrilled to get away from those lame morons.  I get to this whole in the wall bar he is at and we sing, slow dance, and spend the evening together until 4am.  It was sparks.  We were inseparable ever since that night. 

Over two years together, marriage, and a baby, we both lived happily ever after.  The end.  Now, that is my sugar coated love story.  Stayed tuned for his version of the story tomorrow.

LADIES-How did you met your hubby????  I wanna hear about it!

XO-Skinny Gal.....  Somewhere.


  1. So cute.. I love this story - Karoake brings out the best in us all.. LOL - I will have to make a post on E and I. Not near as glamourous though as yours:)

    1. Girl, we'll have to one day get together and party it up karaoke style!!! It would be such a blast.

  2. Mine is not glamourous either. We are high school sweethearts, from a class of 150ish, so you know everyone in your class from Kindergarten on. It just clicked for us. We've been together without ever breaking up one single time since we were 16 (that's 15 years!!!). I would do a post on it but there's just not that much to tell, especially since it was high school lovey dovey stuff. I love your story, though!

  3. That's a funny story, Stephanie! My story isn't as juicy either, but I have posted bits a pieces. I'll have to dig them up. :)

  4. Hahaha ... y'all met at a gay bar. That's awesome!
