Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's all about COMMITMENT! -Progression photos

My mind is completely blown from my newest progression photos.  I have had some loss, but not as much as the first 30 days. 

I have had a great week on the weight loss front-THIS WEEK!  I have finally made my mind up that either I am going to do this or I just need to quit.  Well, I decided I needed to do it and refocus on what is important!  I am here to tell you, you can be a work out fool all week, burn calories like crazy, and just one "cheat" day can destroy your entire week.

It's all about what you put in your mouth! 


I saw this DOVE wrapper and LOVED IT.  How true is that?  When we're on a diet, it's all we talk/hear about, but when we're not, IT IS ON!  It's such an intangible little shit that we're only aware of when we start looking at our love handles.

Actually, starting last week I decided to quit drinking and I have had such a better progress since doing so. 

Is it a BIG commitment?  Absolutely!

Does everyone think I am a big ol' lame bird?  Pretty much!

Do I sit at home and dream about the fun I could be having while being out with friends on a Saturday night?  Yep.

But, that's what REALLY makes the difference. 


I was in this 3-4 week spiral to where I would lose 2-4lbs Monday-Friday and then Saturday night drinking would take me right back where I started.

So, to say the least, I am surprise that I had any progress to show.  I have now went 60 days on Turbo Fire.  Here are the best photos (Before: this is the start of TF, Middle: 30 days, and End: 60 days):

Now that I have quit drinking, you are going to be so AMAZED with the progress next month.  I can't wait!!!


  1. I'm glad I'm not a big drinker, I know it can be hard to give up! You are looking awesome, can't wait to see the next round!!

  2. It's super hard to balance a social life and a healthy lifestyle if you're a drinker. A few years ago when I was at my lowest weight, I quit drinking altogether and dropped the weight off in NO time, I just have to have my wine. I do. It's just impossible for me not to. lol My weight loss is a slower process, but it's still moving lower :) Everything in moderation for me and takes COMMITMENT to say NO to going out, going out to EAT, etc. Good for you. You're amazing and I can't wait to see your progression!!
