Monday, May 7, 2012

New Projects

What fun would it be if I always talked about losing weight???? 

Actually, I don't have great results to post this week.  I gained a couple pounds back.

Can I just say how TOTALLY frustrating it is to work out 6 days this past week, have absolutely no results to post, and actually GAIN some weight back with NO inches lost.  :(  <----Yes, picture my sad face, because that is exactly how I feel today in regards to my Skinny Gal Diaries. 

My only confession is that I didn't do well with documenting what I ate like I usually do every week.  I did eat conservatively, but not the best of food.  So, in the end the pot luck lunch, P.F. Changs, and Qudoba did me in for the week. 

Those bastards! 

Anyways, so I decided to shift focus on some of my cool projects I have been working on.  As I stated in previous post, I started my own photography business back in October last year, because I couldn't ever get a photographer to call me back for Brynn's newborn pictures.  This past weekend I did a shoot of a baby shower and took a few photos of Brynn. 

Here are a few of the baby shower: 
I love this one of Mommy and Daddy to baby Wyatt

Daddy helping preggo Momma with cutting the cake.

This photo is of the Momma to be with her sister and mother's hands. 

That's a few of the ones I have edited so far.  I LOVED her dress and it was great for color since I like to add light and color to all my photos. 

Some photographers like to wash everything out and make the picture lighter than it should be, but I like to make the photos as vibrant and as close to the actual picture as I can without changing the way the photo looks. 

I HATE it when photographers make the color of some one's eyes a different color than what they actually are!!  It's just a lie.... 


I typically will add additional color and lighting to the scenery and sometimes clothing.  I do like to add lighting, but not the entire picture to where it changes the way some one's face looks.     

Here are the few I took of Brynnie.  It was one of those days where Brynn wanted to be extremely clingy to Mommy and so she wouldn't smile, look at the camera, or give me anything to really work with, BUT sometimes I think the non-posed pictures are even better than the ones that are posed.  Plus, I think my daughter is beautiful any way you take her (happy, sad, overly needy, etc.)  and at any angle (of course I am very biased since she is my first kiddo).   

Here's the best part about the pictures of Brynn........  I can finally say I have been fully domesticated!!!  With the help of my mother, I sewed and made the dress she is wearing.  I also make most of Brynn's bows, so I did these as well.  :)

I think this has became my new favorite picture of Brynn.  She has that look of defeat on her face, because I took a whirly wind (??  that's what my Mom kept calling it) thing from her so she would look up at my camera. 

She has the most beautiful eyes.  They are VERY blue and have a white star burst to them on the inside surrounding the pupil.  She also has some very full eyelashes that she inherited from Daddy.  :)

And, Hello, how cute is that dress????    

OMG, I can't stop looking at this one!


Another great one.  The sunbeam was SO pretty on this one. 
Here's a good one of the dress!!!
In this one she was talking to the plant.  Can you tell they were having a great conversation? 
The "No, Mommy, I am NOT smiling for you!" 

Get that camera out of my face!

And lastly......  I love the coloring of this one!

I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors in your photos! I hate the pale washed out look, and everything in your pictures is so bold and vibrant!
